Created in 2019.

Tokenised in 2024 on Solana.

Created in 2019.

Tokenised in 2024 on Solana.

Presale start date 8/1/2024

1-100 presale soft cap 0.5 SOL MAX

Presale End date 8/14/2024

1-400 presale hARD cap 0.5 SOL MAX

DOnt care let me buy

DOnt care let me buy


$bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs $bOYs

In the summer of 2024, inspired by the hit series "The Boys," we set out ​to create something new in the crypto world. We envisioned $BOYS as a ​cryptocurrency that embodies the show's spirit and comedy.

At first, the idea of $BOYS seemed lost in the crowded crypto space. ​But we were determined to make it stand out. Drawing from the themes ​in "The Boys," where made to make this project stand out.

Soon, $BOYS began to gain traction. The community grew, attracted by ​the unique blend of storytelling and financial potential. $BOYS wasn't ​just a token; it became a movement and a community for the real ​chads.

In the summer of 2024, inspired by the hit series "The Boys," we set out ​to create something new in the crypto world. We envisioned $BOYS as a ​cryptocurrency that embodies the show's spirit and comedy.

At first, the idea of $BOYS seemed lost in the crowded crypto space. ​But we were determined to make it stand out. Drawing from the themes ​in "The Boys," where made to make this project stand out.

Soon, $BOYS began to gain traction. The community grew, attracted by ​the unique blend of storytelling and financial potential. $BOYS wasn't ​just a token; it became a movement and a community for the real ​chads.


Total Supply:


Total Supply:


0% tax

0% tax

Mint & Freeze Revoked

Mint & Freeze Revoked

Liquidity Burned

Liquidity Burned


Simple Telegram Icon
shape icon

Get involved

We have an active ​community on Telegram and ​Twitter, come and say ​hello!

How to buy $Boys

1.Have a phantom wallet

2.Send the amount u desire

2.Conect to the presale

4.Wait till the presale is over

5.claim ur coins

6. Hodl as we go to the moon and beyond

1.Have a phantom wallet

2.Send the amount u desire

2.Conect to the presale

4.Wait till the presale is over

5.claim ur coins

6. Hodl as we go to the moon and beyond

CA : th3C01n.Aint.0ut.Yet

CA : th3C01n.Aint.0ut.Yet

Copyright © 2024 BOYS. All rights reserved